
iLead Law Group, P.C. , initiated by a group of experienced lawyers in the United States, has its headquarters located in Manhattan, New York. Most of its lawyers have received legal and other professional education from internationally renowned institutions and have work experience in major international cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Beijing. The average tenure of its partners is over 10 years. They are knowledgeable, experienced, and professional, providing high-quality legal services to various sectors of the society, earning a good reputation and high praise, and becoming senior legal experts with a reputation in different fields. iLead is a leading law firm focused on commercial legal services and global high-net-worth individuals. It adheres to a global perspective and local wisdom, upholds the values of concentration, ultimate, innovation, and openness, and has gradually achieved global layout as its development strategy, through systematic talent development programs, standardized business processes, and a unified information system, becoming the most trustworthy and respected international law firm. iLead considers clients as the most important partners and brings them maximum benefits through continuous improvement of service standards. With the support of a strong team of lawyers and global experts, it provides globalized and specialized services to clients and assists them in achieving their business dreams!


iLead Law, headquartered in Manhattan, New York, USA, is led by Asians with a global perspective as its development strategy. It has gradually developed into an international comprehensive law firm with scale, brand, professionalism, and internationalization. The firm adheres to a global perspective and local wisdom, upholds the values of concentration, innovation, and openness, and through a systematic talent training plan, standardized business processes, and unified information systems, it has become the most trusted and respected international law firm of excellence.


iLead considers its clients as the most important partners, bringing the greatest benefits to clients with continuously improved service standards. With the support of a strong team of lawyers and global experts, it provides customers with global and specialized services and assists customers in achieving business dreams.iLead strives to respect and care for each member, provide development opportunities and necessary support to each member, so that each member has a heartfelt sense of belonging to iLead, and fundamentally guarantees that iLead as a whole provides clients with high-level and reliable legal services continuously.


Centered on clients, pursuing excellence, creating value, providing customers with the best quality legal services, enhancing the commercial value of clients, and becoming the wise partner for clients to achieve success.